To act as the testimony ofevidence complying with the corresponding management system requirement or efficientrequirements and effective operation; 作为符合相应管理体系要求和有效运作的证据;
Based on management requirement, prepare different report for review. 按照管理层要求统计各种数据及报表。
The amendments to existing rules will also remove the existing minimum requirements for fund companies to have segregated accounts and reduce the minimum assets under management requirement for each segregated account. 修订的基金法案,还将废除现有的基金公司开立独立账户的最低要求,并降低每个独立账户的最低资产要求。
This system is based on the principles of accountancy, constrained by Chinese accounting by EDP, combined with the financial management requirement of middle& small enterprises to develop. 本系统是以会计学的基本理论为基础,我国会计电算化的管理体制为约束,结合中小企业的财务管理需求进行开发的。
Fine management culture is an altitude, a working style and an ideological concept which is oriented in fine management requirement and developed. 精细管理文化是源自精细管理要求而升华的一种态度,一种作风,一种思想理念。
Generate analysis reports from system data according to sales management requirement. 根据管理层要求,进行系统信息的加工何分析,产生各种管理报告。
The study discusses the inclusion criteria and management requirement of special record. 文章对特殊性藏病案的选择标准和管理要求作了探讨。
Fire: stop operations immediately, and control fire according to fire management requirement and fire call when necessary. 火灾发生:立即停止一切作业,按消防管理要求控制火情,必要时报警处理;
A qualifier can be used to denote a specific type of requirement, e.g. product requirement, quality management requirement, customer requirement. 特定要求可使用修饰词表示,如产品要求、质量管理要求、顾客要求。
The system can process the security and navigation information aptitudinally, which make it suitable for the modern shipping management requirement much more. 由于智能化处理安全信息、导航信息,使之更符合现代船舶管理系统的要求。
After that, we define the attribute and relation of managed resource based on abstraction for management, define their operation according as management requirement, and establish proper resource model in order to direct the development of EPON network management system. 然后在管理抽象的基础上定义了被管资源的属性和关系,并根据管理需求定义了对这些被管资源的操作,建立了适当的资源模型,以指导EPON网络管理系统的开发。
Traditional modes of network management are not fit for the present management requirement. 传统的网络管理方式已经不适应当前的管理需求。
Reactive compensation technology& management requirement in industrial and mining establishments 工矿企业无功补偿技术及其管理要求
To meet management requirement of modern manufacturing enterprises, Intelligent Enterprise Diagnosis System ( IEDS) based on data warehouse is proposed to meet the management requirement of modern manufacturing enterprises. 为适应现代制造企业管理的需求,提出基于数据仓库的智能企业诊断系统。
Finance Payout Performance Management Requirement to Qualified Public Service Government 财政支出绩效管理:合格公共服务型政府的要求
According to the management requirement of gas companies for large commercial users, the method of reading data directly from gas meter is investigated, and the data acquisition and wireless data transmission technologies are used to fulfill the remote management of gas consumption for large commercial users. 根据燃气公司对大型商业用户的管理需求,研究了通过从流量计中直接读取数据的方式,利用数据采集和无线数据传输技术实现对大型商业用户用气状况的远程管理。
The effective teacher encouragement ought to be the integration between external motivation and inner motivation, between material motivation and spiritual motivation, between management requirement and management persuasion. 有效的教师激励,应当是外在刺激与内在需求的高度契合,物质刺激与精神激发的有机结合,管理要求与管理信服的辩证统一。
Based on general research of information model integration, incorporating with the service management requirement of operation-oriented network management, the paper proposes a management information model based on three-level abstraction. The highest level is the abstraction of services; 在管理信息模型集成研究的基础上,并结合面向运行的综合网络管理中的服务管理需求,提出了一个基于三级抽象的网络管理信息模型,其最高级别的对象是对服务的抽象;
Realized the application of the agile management to requirement management of the project. 有效的处理了需求不确定性强、复杂度高的条件下的需求管理,实现了敏捷管理在蓉园集团项目需求管理中的应用;
This system is developed for the quality management requirement, process and actuality of bodywork assemble and welding in some automobile manufacture company. 本系统是针对某汽车制造公司车身装焊质量管理的需求、流程和现状而研究开发的。
At last, the result is listed, it indicates that the network management system can satisfy current master station's network management requirement, it achieves the real-time 、 reliable and practical demands, it has been successful used in Electric Power Automation System. 最后给出了系统运行结果,运行结果表现本文设计的主站网络管理系统可以满足现用主站的运行要求,达到实时性、可靠性和实用性的设计要求,已应用于电力调度自动化系统。
On-Demand Computing, as a new IT application model, emphasizes the management requirement of the server resources allocation to users who received priority for particular tasks. 实现按需计算的应用模式已成为服务器技术研究领域的热点问题之一,其重点之一便是要求服务端计算系统能够依据用户特性分配相应的计算资源。
In the software procedure management, requirement analysis is the foundation and headstream of the whole work. 在软件过程管理系统中,需求分析是所有工作的基础和源头,是重中之重。
The classified information management system satisfied the safe management requirement of the classified information, speeds up office work. 最终实现的涉密信息管理系统,满足了涉密信息的安全管理要求,提高了机关办公、业务工作处理的效率。
Technical Management Requirement of Crude Oil Transportation Project at 3/ 7 Block in Sudan and Its Discrepancy from in China 苏丹3/7区原油外输工程技术管理要求与国内工程的差异
This paper studies and designs an IP network monitoring system for the IP Metropolitan Area Networks ( MAN) on the base of IP network management requirement analysis. 文章通过对IP城域网网管需求的分析,研究设计了一个IP网络监控系统。
Result Systematic software of the county area class tuberculosis prevention and cure management information run steadily, achieve the work management requirement of the county area class tuberculosis prevention and cure organization. 结果县(市、区)级结核病防治管理信息系统软件运行稳定,达到县区级结核病防治机构工作管理要求。
Because of many restricting factors, strict management requirement and plenty of control points, controlling on the cost is a comprehensive and complicated work, which requires a complete system to control cost. 由于工程项目建设制约因素多,管理要求严,控制点多,因此建设成本的控制是一项综合性很强很复杂的工作,需要建立一套完整的成本管理机制。
Automatic laser coal inventory system is an automatic measuring device in coal yard used for adapting to the modernized management requirement of power plant and improving the inventory efficiency and accuracy of coal storage of power plant. 激光自动盘煤系统是为适应电厂现代化管理需要,提高电厂储存煤量盘点效率和盘点精度而提出的一种自动煤场测量设备。
Modern ships are usually equipped with several sets of navigation system, every navigation system has its own characteristics, but there is no any one navigation system which can independently meet the high-tech warfare and ocean sailing. So the new navigation information management requirement is put forward. 现代舰船载体上通常装有多套导航传感器,这些导航传感器各有其特点,没有一种导航传感器能独立满足高科技作战和远洋航海,这对导航信息的管理工作提出了新的要求。